Program Schedule

Day 0

May 15, 2024

Pre-Event Activity & Visits

Fore noon

Field Visit

Visit to an NGO-run senior citizen living facility

Fore noon

Field Visit

Visit to private elderly homes/residential communities


Field Visit

Visit to State Government Offices/Bengaluru Corporation (BBMP) offices to interact with key officials related to aged care


Networking Dinner

Evening networking dinner with a few startups working in the aged care domain

Day 0 will only include Core APACH team and Invitees

Day 1

May 16, 2024


Conference Day

08.30am | 09:00am


Welcome attendees, distribute conference materials, and provide logistical information 

09.00am | 09:30am

Opening Plenary Session

Introduction to the forum objectives and logistics 

Dr.  Nandakumar B S

Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Ramaiah Medical College. Associate Dean - Research, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences. 

Dr. Madhan Balasubramanian  

Senior Lecturer, Health and Aged Care Management, Business Research Lead, College of Business, Government and Law, Flinders University. 

Welcome from Satellite hubs 

Philippines: Professor MA. Teresa Tricia Guison-Bautista, Professor of Family and Geriatric Medicine, University of Santo Thomas, Philippines 

Malaysia: Professor Maw Pin Tan, Professor of Geriatrics, University of Malaya, Malaysia 

Nepal: Dr Prabhat Adhikari, CEO ASK Foundation, Nepal.

Keynote I

Challenges and Opportunities to Aged Care in the Asia Pacific Region 

09.30am | 09:50am

Dr. Uma Nambiar, CEO, Bagchi Parthsarthy Hospital, IISc, Bangalore. 

09.50am | 10:10am

Dr. Amrita Kansal 

Technical Officer – Healthy Aging, WHO – SEARO, Delhi

10.10am | 10:30am

Dr. Toshima Karki, Member of Parliament (Lower House of Nepal), Former Minister of State of Health Ministry of Nepal [Satellite Online]. 

Age care challenges in policy and management and current conditions

10.30am | 11:15am

Inaugural Program

Chief Guests: 

Prof. Vincent Bulone, 

Pro Vice Chancellor Research Office, Flinders 

Shri Randeep D (IAS) 

Health Commissioner, Health & Family Welfare, Government of Karnataka

Prof. Sue Gordon, Research Director of Aged Care Research & Industry Innovation Australia (ARIIA) 

Prof. Adela McMurray, Dean, Research CBGL 

Associate Professor Angie A Shafei, Dean, Flinders Business 

Professor Raj Singh Shekhawat, Dean (Research), EPSW Flinders University

Guest of Honor: 

Dr. M R Jayaram, Chairman, M S Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences 

Shri M R Sreenivasa Murthy 

Chief Executive, Gokula Education Foundation (Medical)  

Dr. Nagendra Swamy, President, Ramaiah Hospital

Dr. Kuldeep Kumar Raina, Vice Chancellor, M S Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences (RUAS) 

Dr. Om Prakash Kharbanda 

Pro-VC- Health Sciences- RUAS 

Dr. G Venkatesh-

Registrar- RUAS 


Dr. Shalini C Nooyi 

Principal & Dean - RMC 

Session Speakers: 

Welcome Address – Dr. Shalini C Nooyi [2 min]],  

Lamp Lightning Ceremony – All the Dignitaries [3min],  


About APACH & DFAT – Dr. Madhan Balasubramanian [3 min],  

Invited Guests Address: 

Shri. D Randeep & Prof. Vincent Bulone [5 min each]  

Flinders International Director of Partnerships– Mr. Bill Damachius  


Flinders CBGL Dean of Research – Professor Adela McMurray [3 min] 


ARIIA – Prof. Sue Gordon [3 min] 


Flinders Dean Business – Associate Prof Angie A Shafei [3 min] 


Presidential Address – Dr. M R Jayaram / Dr. Kuldeep Kumar Raina [5 min each]

Vote of Thanks –

Dr. Nandakumar B S

[3 min] 

11.15am | 11:30am

Tea Break 

Refreshments Served 

11.30am | 12:30am

Panel Session I 

Theme: Innovative Models of Care and health workforce solutions for aged care 

Chair: Prof. Raj Singh Shekhawat 

Dean (Research), College of Education, Psychology and Social Work, Flinders University. 

Co-Chair: Dr. Madhan Balasubramanian 

Senior Lecturer, Health and Aged Care Management, Business Research Lead, College of Business, Government and Law, Flinders University. 

Panel Convenor: Dr. Thriveni S Beerenahally

Seasoned Medical and Public Health professional with 25 years of expertise in healthcare, strategic planning, and implementation. CEO & Funding member of Feel at Home Elderly Care Center and an innovative leader dedicated to transforming the landscape of elderly care in India.


  • Dr. Reema Nadig, Co-Founder & COO – Kites Senior Care, India 
  • Dr. Radha S Murthy, President, Dementia India Alliance 
  • Professor Dr. Usha Manjunath President, Director, Indian Institute Health Management Research, Bangalore.  
  • Dr. Darren Birback, CEO – Resthaven Aged Care Centre 
  • Mr. Lee Martin, CEO – Tanunda Aged Care Homes, Adelaide

12.30pm | 01:30pm

Paper Presentations

Paper Presentations Session I 

Judge 1: Dr. Shalini S 

Former Professor, Department of Community Medicine. Associate Dean, Ramaiah International Medical School. 

Parallel Break out Session: Dementia Networking Group- Dr. Pavithra Gangadharan 

Judge 2: Dr. Sanjay T V, Professor, Department of Community Medicine, KIMS. 

01.30pm | 02:30pm

Lunch Break 

Networking Opportunities & Informal Discussions 

02.30pm | 03:30pm

Panel Session II 

Theme: Policy and Regulation in Aged Care: Challenges & Best Practices

Chair: Dr. Gangadharan, Founding Director Heritage Medical Centre, Hyderabad 

Co-Chair:  Jyoti Khadka, Associate Professor, Flinders University, Australia

Panel Convenors: Teddy Andrews J J 

Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Social Work Program at the Department of Social and Health Innovation, Prasanna School of Public Health, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, India.  


  • Dr. Amrita Kansal, Public Health Expert – WHO – SEARO, Delhi  
  • Dr. James Scheibner, CBGL and Centre for Social Impact, Finders University 
  • Dr Anupama Dutta, HelpAge India, Delhi 
  • Dr. Maheshwari M Bhaskar, BBMP, Program Officer, NPHCE 
  • Prof. Maw Pin Tan, Division of Geriatric Medicine, University of Malaya 
  • Dr Uma M, Assistant Deputy Director NCD and NPHCE, Dept of Health & Family Welfare, GOK 

03.30pm | 03:45pm

Tea Break

Refreshments served 

03.45pm | 05:00pm

Round Table Session I 

Open to all as the audience  

Coordinators in each satellite hub

Theme: Role of technology, innovations, and industry in aged care 


Dr. Nandakumar B S, Professor, Community Medicine, Ramaiah Medical College. Associate Dean-Research, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences 

Co-Chair: Asso. Prof. Angie A Shafei, Dean of Business at the College of Business Government & Law, Flinders University 

Introductory arguments:  

  • Asso. Prof. Donald G Manlapaz, PhD Project leader, GRACE Hub, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines - [3 min]  
  • Mr. Lee Martin, CEO – Tanunda Aged Care Homes, Adelaide – [3 min] 
  • Ms. Sarah McRae, CEO - Calvary Hospital, Australia-

[3 min] 

  • Associate Professor Andreas Cebula, Australian Industrial Transformation Institute - [3 min] 
  • Prof Raj Singh Shekhawat – Dean (Research), College of Education, Psychology and Social Work, Flinders University - [3 min] 

07:00pm Onwards


Networking Dinner 

Day 2

May 17, 2024


Conference Day

Keynote II

Aged care and industry connect – Opportunities & Challenges

09.00am | 09:20am

Prof. Sue Gordon, Research Director of Aged Care Research & Industry Innovation Australia (ARIIA), Australia

09.20am | 09:40am

Dr. Meredith Wyse, Asian Development Bank, Aged Care Lead, Philippines

09.45am | 10:45am

Plenary Session-III

Theme: Clinical Geriatrics – Global Challenges and Local Solutions

Chair: Dr. Medha Y Rao, Dean – Academics,

Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences

Co-Chair: Dr. Shalini S, Former Professor –

Department of Community Medicine. Associate Dean, Ramaiah International Medical School.

Panel Convenor:

Dr. Kejal Hasmukharay, Senior Geriatrician, University Malaya Medical Centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Dr. Mohammed Suhail, Assistant Professor, Department of General Medicine, Ramaiah Medical College


· Dr. Prabha Adhikari, Yenopoya MedicalCollege, Mangalore

· Dr. Pretesh Kiran, Associate Professor,St. John’s Medical College & Research Centre, Bengaluru

· Dr. Bindu Pandey, Head – Emergence Department, Norvic International Hospital &

Medical College, Nepal

· Dr Elizabeth Chong, Senior Consultant Geriatrician at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital, Ministry of Health

10.45am | 11:00am

Tea Break

Refreshments served 

11.00am | 12:00pm

Panel Session IV

Theme: Addressing the Challenges of Ageing Population in Developing Countries

Chair: Dr. O P Kharbanda, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences (Views from India)

Co-Chair: Dr. Shalini C Nooyi, Principal & Dean, Ramaiah Medical College, Bengaluru

Panel Convenor: Prof. Meghashyam Bhat, Head - Public Health Dentistry, Sharavathi Dental College and Hospital, Shimoga. Affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru.


· Dr. Vishwanath, Professor, Department of General Medicine, Ramaiah Medical College

· Dr Ramaiah I, Associate Professor –Healthcare Management & Dean – School of Management,

Apollo University

· Dr. Lalitha K- Professor- Hod Community Medicine, RMC

· Ms. Pavithra Reddy, COO, Vayah Vikas

· Prof. Raj Singh Shekhawat, Dean (Research), College of Education, Psychology and Social Work, Flinders University.

12.00pm | 12:20pm

Keynote III

Global Perspectives in Aged Care

Dr. Mary Jean Loreche, Commissioner,

National Commission of Senior Citizens, Philippines

The Philippines National Commission of Senior Citizens

12.20pm | 12:40pm

Dr. Sarah McRae, CEO - Calvary

Hospital, Australia

The future is virtual

12.40pm | 01:00pm

Prof. Noran Naqiah Hairi,

Professor of Epidemiology at the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine

Elder Abuse- Research and policy in Malaysia

12.30pm | 01:30pm

Paper presentations

Judge 1: Dr. Suman G, Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Ramaiah Medical College

Judge 2: Dr. G V R K Acharyulu

Professor, School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad

01.30pm | 02:30pm

Lunch Break

Networking Opportunities & Informal Discussions

02.30pm | 04:00pm

Round Table Session II

Theme: Key learnings and outcomes from the Australian Awards Fellowship Program

– The Way Ahead


Outcomes report – Madhan

Panel conveyors report – Panel conveyors

04.00pm | 04:15pm

Tea Break

Refreshments served

04.15pm | 05:00pm

Valedictory Session

Guests of Honor: 

· Dr. Shalini Nooyi, Principal & Dean,

Ramaiah Medical College

· Associate Professor Angie A Shafei/Jyoti Khadka

· Prof Raj S Shekhawat

· Associate Professor Andreas Cebulla


Welcome Note: Dr.Nandakumar B S

Vote of Thanks: Dr.Shalini S

Recap of insights and outcomes from the forum

Closing Remarks

Certificate Distribution
